Rapid Environmental Monitoring Using Autonomous System
Project Summary
This project will deliver: i) an interim capability for obtaining in-situ, real-time ocean data from rapidly deployable autonomous systems using data fusion techniques to DSTG; and ii) an opportunity to explore a new product offering that complements current products and services provided to defence by Acacia Systems.
In particular:
- Algorithms and associated software tools for the data fusion methods developed for autonomous systems with a focus on unmanned surface vessels and submerged vessels.
- Benchmarks for methods developed.
- Project report on the final capability developed for project partners (DSTG and Acacia Systems), peer-reviewed publications to generate research impact and visibility for South Australian research and developments for Flinders, UoA, DSTG and Acacia Systems; and Provisional Patent filing for Acacia Systems, Flinders and UoA.
Project Value
DIP Contribution
Completed Project
Project Lead
A/Prof Damith Ranasinghe, The University of Adelaide