Completed Project

A framework for addressing design challenges in wargames

It is critical to understand better how wargames can be beneficial and in which situations they can result in inaccurate analysis and negative learning. This project proposes a design framework that draws inspiration from capability maturity models that have successfully been applied to domains such as software development, cyber security, and people management.

2024-08-28T09:30:19+09:30June 21st, 2022|

Advancing SOCRETIS (“SOCial REasoning Tool & Interactive System”): An AI- enabled collaborative reasoning aid for the information environment

SOCRETIS has the potential to enable Defence Information Warfare capability by bolstering national resilience to malign influence in the grey-zone. The primary aim is to assist people with navigating the information environment at hand (initially focussing on social media posts), enabling more evidence-based opinions and decisions.

2024-08-28T09:27:13+09:30June 21st, 2022|

Developing neuroscience-based approaches to assessing and enhancing human cognitive performance in challenging operational environments

This project aims to develop a neurobiological marker that predicts individual cognitive capacity, an augmented reality (AR) wearable solution and an AR-integrated biofeedback system.

2024-08-28T10:12:39+09:30June 21st, 2022|

InFoDust: The intelligence and forensic potential of dust traces for counter-terrorism and national security.

This project will advance the development of a forensic intelligence tool that targets dust particles on personal items and goods, establishing a new counter-intelligence capability that will support Australian defence and national security.

2024-08-28T09:54:12+09:30November 19th, 2020|

Nanofluid Satellite Thrusters

Space is becoming crowded and hostile, demanding satellite systems that can respond to adverse events. Most satellites cannot autonomously avoid space junk or hostile objects due to a lack of onboard propulsion. Nanofluidic thrusters offer a solution, based on nanoscale actuation of ionic liquids in chip-based (non-invasive) thrusters.

2024-08-28T09:53:48+09:30November 19th, 2020|

Quantum-Enhanced Clock Synchronisation over a Free-Space Channel

Bringing together expertise from across South Australia in experimental quantum optics (DSTG), quantum information theory (UofA), novel quantum sources (UniSA) and classical time transfer techniques (CryoClock), this project will transfer timing information through a free-space optical link at the pico-second level, around 1000 times better than what is available currently through the global positioning system.

2024-08-28T09:52:02+09:30November 19th, 2020|

Australian Research & Experimental Submarine (ARES) – design and simulation for submarines in an industry 4.0 environment

Design an Australian Research & Experimental Submarine – ARES (5-10m long) with the ability to reconfigure external shape and Fwd/aft control planes configurations (cross or X-rudder) to simulate existing or future shapes.

2024-08-28T09:49:52+09:30July 4th, 2020|

Engineering, design and lab based testing of whole of vehicle health usage monitoring system (vHUMS) for defence vehicles

A fully operating HUMS system will provide significant cost savings in terms of real time warning on potential failure, improve preparedness of vehicle platforms for operational needs, and reduced fleet management costs. It will also significantly increase operator safety. This project builds on a body of research work by the Partners that established the theoretical feasibility of thermo-mechanical measurement to determine energy dissipated in shock absorbers.

2024-08-28T09:48:39+09:30July 4th, 2020|

Narrative visualisation of simulations for force design

Narrative visualisation, which focuses on describing the stories behind the data, offers a potential approach to help an analyst rapidly understand the outcomes. A pilot developed jointly between UniSA and DST has demonstrated how this approach could be used to visualise storylines within simulations involving many actors.

2024-08-28T09:46:38+09:30July 3rd, 2020|

Next Generation Solutions for Passive Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) and Improved Situational Awareness

Passive ISAR utilises existing transmitters such as TV, radio or satellite, and addresses the challenge of combining multichannel transmissions to enhance passive ISAR imaging performance. These systems can be deployed covertly to offer improved situational awareness to Special Forces practically anywhere, paving the way for development and commercialisation of next generation situational awareness solutions of benefit across Army, RAAF and RAN.

2024-08-28T09:45:29+09:30June 24th, 2020|

AI Enabling Australia’s Future Submarine

There are significant opportunities to increase the operational capability of Australia's Future Submarine through the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to combat system functions. This project assessed these opportunities and outlined a roadmap for the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence capability for Australia’s Future Submarine to support the broader strategic goal of SEA1000 to deliver a regionally superior submarine.

2024-08-28T09:42:31+09:30June 24th, 2020|
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